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Fans spot Orry walking on Mumbai streets at ‘4:30 am’, then this happens. Watch

A few might call him an influencer, while others might say he is a “liver” Orry, aka Orhan Awatramani, has become a sensation in the online world. From talking about his fashion to watching him pose with numerous celebrities, Orry has captured the interest of many. Recently, the star was seen roaming on the streets of Mumbai at around 4:30 am. A few of his fans spotted him and asked for a picture. They even shared a video of their short yet sweet encounter with the social media personality.
idThe video was posted on Instagram by the account Orry community. It begins by showing some people in a car. As they are driving, the group sees Orry walking alone on the streets at “4:30 am”. They then call out his name and try to get his attention. Orry hears them, smiles, and waves at them. In the next scene, the group shared a few photos with the social media sensation and wrote, “He was so nice that he even put his ice cream down to take photos with us.” (Also Read: ‘Babe, I do not know you’: Orry threatens to sue influencer over ‘defamatory’ video)

A post shared by Orry Community (@orrycommunity)
This post was shared a few days ago. Since being posted, it has gained close to three million views. The post also has numerous likes, which are only increasing. Several people also took to the comments section of the post to share their reactions. (Also Read: How much does Orry earn by making appearances? He reveals on Bharti Singh, Haarsh Limbachiyaa’s podcast)
An individual said, “He is cute though. The way he reacted after asking for the picture was so cool.”
Another person added, “They also want to walk like other people freely, not always in a crowd or with security.”
A third commented, “The vibe he carries can be seen in the way he asks them to follow. Happiness is a vibe.”
“Did you pay him for the photo? Inquired someone else.
